Understanding What Property Title Deeds Are Defined as legal instruments, Property title deeds are printed documents that indicate the ownership of a real estate property. In case a sale is made, the title deed is transferred to the buyer, and this is the only proof needed to identify the rightful owner of the property. Title Read more
Archive : Property Transfer
Name Change on Property Deed – How Do You Go About It ?
A name change on property deed is a legal agreement under which you can transfer the co-ownership of your property to any living or corporate entity. The deed must contain the address of the property along with prospective co-holder or holder. It should be well printed on the deed document. The name change on property Read more
Executing Quick Claim Deed for Property
What is a quick claim deed for property ? A quick claim deed for property is a form of deed whereby a seller sells the property to the prospective buyer on behalf of the actual owner of the property. Here the seller is not the owner of the property but just like a caretaker who Read more
Property Deed Form and Document
A property deed form and document can be found in the local administrative offices (usually at the county level). These are provided to formalize ownership of a piece of property from the buyer to the owner. During the final phases of paying for a piece of property, the buyer needs to get a deed that Read more
Property Sale Deed
Property sale deed is a piece of legal document that stands as a proof to the trade of property between two parties. It is a document that contains every detail required for a property sale to take place. No property trade is complete or legal unless a property sale deed has been formed in keeping Read more